Factoring Bootcamp
The Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by Grouping
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Example 1

Find the greatest common factor for \(3x^5+12x^2\)

Example 2

Find the greatest common factor for \(8a^3b^2+16a^2b^3+20a^3b^3\)

Example 4

Factor \(5x^3-15x^2\)

Example 5

Find the greatest common factor for \(16x^5-20x^4+8x^3\)

Example 6

Find the greatest common factor for \(6x^3y-18x^2y^2+12xy^3\)

Example 7

Find the greatest common factor for \(3a^2b-6a^3b^2+9a^3b^3\)

Example 9

Factor by grouping: \(3ax-2a+15x-10\).

Mini Lecture
Factor out the greatest common factor.

  1. \(6a+9\)

  2. \(15x^3-25x^2+30x\)

Factor by grouping.

  1. \(xy+5x+3y+15\)

  2. \(ab+7a-3b-21\)

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