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Author: Denny Burzynski

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All-Access Pass

ISBN: 978-1-936368-56-3

* Includes eBook, MathTV videos and XYZ Homework


ebook only

ISBN: saiena_test_2



Author: Denny Burzynski

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Denny Burzynski
XYZ Textbooks

Advice for Students taking a math class: Try to live the class. Think about the material all the time.

Advice for new teachers: Think deeply about every topic. Ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing in each topic. Ask yourself why should we add two rational expressions? Why should we factor a polynomial? Why should we multiply two polynomials together? Tell your students what these subjects are and why they are important. Every example in every XYZ Textbook is worked on video by multiple video tutors. Students benefit from seeing multiple approaches and gain confidence in learning from their peers. You can find the MathTV videos in the XYZ eBook.

XYZ eBook- Access the eBook for this course as well as any other XYZ Textbook. Use the My Bookshelf feature under MY ACCOUNT to easily access your eBook.

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Denny Burzynski
XYZ Textbooks

Advice for Students taking a math class: Try to live the class. Think about the material all the time.

Advice for new teachers: Think deeply about every topic. Ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing in each topic. Ask yourself why should we add two rational expressions? Why should we factor a polynomial? Why should we multiply two polynomials together? Tell your students what these subjects are and why they are important.

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